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Unlike Yahoo messenger and other IM platforms that gives a list of supported smileys, facebook doesn’t, they just assume you should know them. Below is a list of facebook emoticons supported at the moment and the codes to make them appear.

smile facebook chat smileysmile or happy:-) :) :] =)
frown facebook chat smileyfrown:-( :( :[ =(
gasp facebook chat messaging emoticongasp:-O :O :-o :o
grin facebook chat emoticongrin:-D :D =D
tongue facebook chat smileytongue:-P :P :-p :p =P
winkwink;-) ;)
curly lips facebook chat smileycurly lips:3
kiss facebook messaging smileykiss:-* :*
grumpy facebook chat emoticongrumpy>:( >:-(
glasses facebook chat messaging smileysgeek8-) 8) B-) B)
sunglasses facebook chat smiliecool8-| 8| B-| B|
upset facebook chat emoticonupset or very angry>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
confused facebook chat emoticonconfusedo.O O.o
shark facebook chat smileyshark(^^^)
pacman chat emoticonpacman face:v
squint facebook messaging smileysquint-_-
angel facebook chat smileyangelO:) O:-)
devil facebook chat emoticondevil3:) 3:-)
unsure facebook messaging emoticonunsure:/ :-/ :\ :-\
cry facebook chat smileycrying:'(
Chris Putnam facebook chat smileyChris Putnam:putnam:
robot facebook chat smileyrobot:| ]
heart facebook chat emoticonheart<3
kiki facebook chat messaging emoticonkiki^_^
penguin facebook messaging emoticonpenguin<(“)
You should, however, note that these smileys can’t be used on facebook mobile messaging. You can type them while sending a message on facebook mobile though and your recipient will see the emoticon if he/she is using facebook desktop version.
Also, this list only works on facebook chat and messaging, they won’t work on wall posts, status updates and comments.
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